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Everything posted by Ganbare-Lucifer

  1. So I've seen many characters from preschool media being made into MUGEN, and I've thought an adult obviously won't do such a thing since the appeal may be wrong or ridiculous. Rather, a kid with basic internet access who finds MUGEN appealing does such content (although with poor-quality code). So consider this a discussion to think about it... What's your stance on MUGEN and kids? Are you fine with it? Do you want to keep MUGEN off children otherwise? What would be the appropriate age to learn about MUGEN? I want to see your opinions by comments below
  2. Just commenting here to say Fuck Interplay All my homies hate Interplay hope they get bankruptcy.
  3. https://www.mediafire.com/file/afjbm4y2l90nbq6/dstrength.zip/file
  4. Scovillain by Fu-Lin https://www.mediafire.com/file/w2615qfhex9i0z8/Scovillain.zip/file
  5. I'm looking for a stage I lost track of... It was a stage that was all misty, slightly dark, and had Elena bridge in. Edit: I found the exact picture digging through old files
  6. So, I wanted to share moveset ideas for a Magical Drop character in MUGEN which is Daughter Strength, while I was working on her sprites. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JMX2cwJtliyJe733GSvb73bSEuqWSnP60c9GLCpiJsw/edit?usp=sharing Any other character ideas? Which one you want to see next?
  7. A Pinned Thread in Content Requests where people can ask for Mediafire/MEGA/Google Drive link conversions of files of... the dreaded forbidden MUGEN website. So that way we can avoid thread requests for when everytime somebody asks for a link conversion and so Content Requests can actually be used for its actual purpose: link files of offline content.
  8. While I am working on her sprites using Azusa Kashiwagi as the base, I got no coder for her unfortunately, so here's her progress so far...
  9. Metal Shark Player by Ron_Berka https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1ZhTkp5SlFoMkJqTUwtVFVkSUNrQ3JvcC1SZ3xBQ3Jtc0trLWdjZjBBeUp1NUY5MGptUk1adldzbmdDNVYyQ3Brb2J1QzViSzdyY2l3dGlZVVUwXzlKaGtjWFBKY3hhTy1mUE1LTTB4T29KQW9pUDBTX0JleEhzUHp4RjVBSkdTdmJwRVI2ZXc4OE83MUJDQ0FFcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fpgbhpww9qafk3ja%2Fmetalsharkplayer.rar%2Ffile&v=6Nf9Z2YaUUk
  10. Yes, they indeed have it, but I can't download it since I am IP banned.
  11. I can't seem to find the link anywhere else, does somebody have it?
  12. Lynn Loud by Zachary https://www.andersonkenya1.net/files/file/19573-lynn-loud/
  13. Found this Schezo Wegey, who actually seems to play more on puzzle style rather than fighting style. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B55OblikvYhgeWxudi1YbGNJck0?resourcekey=0-UpQUhydLs50vFv3zS-Mzkg
  14. Greetings, everyone! An important update for my stage from Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest has been made. Now thanks to Ikemen, it is now possible to add round variants! (Through you can still add the variants in your MUGEN if your wish, hence why this topic on the 1.0+ releases.) Enjoy the quick edits into the palettes for Krockhead Klamber and Mudhole Marsh! Make a nice sunset and night visual on the stage! Download Here!
  15. https://www.andersonkenya1.net/files/file/8320-kariclef/?tab=comments https://www.andersonkenya1.net/files/file/8317-dokuriff/?tab=comments Umh, ladies and gentlemen, we have the first Megaverse Fakemon made into MUGEN- https://pocketmegaverse.fandom.com/wiki/Kariclef https://pocketmegaverse.fandom.com/wiki/Dokuriff
  16. Victor's Stage https://web.archive.org/web/20060703100500/http://eternal.mgbr.net/stages/vampire_savior/page/image6.html
  17. I'm pleased to announce I've reuploaded Reptile Rumble and Oil Drum Alley https://sites.google.com/view/ganbarelucifermugensite/stages
  18. Does somebody have them? Long story short: I got a copyright claim for them due to the songs inside the zips in Mediafire, and had to delete them and reupload them to 4shared, years later 4shared took them down, and the only site that still has them is the... *gulp* MUGEN Archive. So if somebody happens to have these stages, would be appreciated, I need to re-upload them outside of that damned site (avoiding the song filename if possible).
  19. An edit of an edit, editception. So I was bored that I decided to do noon and night versions of Mark Ferrari's Jungle Waterfall from Canvas Cycle, brought into MUGEN by Vordh0sbn. The result was better than I expected, the animation and modified palettes look decent. Works best by adding them in Ikemen as round 2 and 3 defs for the original day version since that one is set during daytime (what redundancy). Grab them here! https://sites.google.com/view/ganbarelucifermugensite/stages
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