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Weiβ Guilty Gear


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I hope to some testing players

Pounch = x

Kick = a

Slash = y

HighSlash = b

Dust = z

Romantic Cancel = x+a+y or x+a+b or a+y+b or c

Burst = z+a or z+b or z+x or z+y

foltress Defence = holdback + holdc

Greiten = D, DF, F, a or y

Miene = D, DB, B, b or y

→Tatigkeit(after miene)

Fliegen = F, D, DF, b

Wild Throw = B, DB, D, DF, F, a


Zahn = D, D, a+b+x or c

power >= 1000

Leich Reich = D, DF, F, D, DF, F, b

Centrum = F, D, DF, x

Meteora = F, DF, D, DB, B, y

Salomo = F, D, DF, z

Himmelfahrt(Not Carry Now) = F, B, DB, D, DF, F, x+a



thank you

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