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My MVC Screenpack Style Umvc3 by Mordecool


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My MVC Screenpack Style Umvc3 by Mordecool

Hi guys and girls, I'm mordecool and I present my new screenpack for the mugen community in style, maybe Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, it has a resolution of 640x480 in mugen 1.0. I hope you are interested in this screenpack that in a short time I will finish it.
This will be a public version and also release a private version for my friends Swagga Kings.
If you want to check this video of one of your streams with my MVC screenpack (private version).
See you and take care!

hola chicos y chicas, soy mordecool y les presento mi nuevo screenpack para la comunidad mugen en estilo tal ves de Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, tiene una resolucion de 640x480 en mugen 1.0.Espero que les interese este screenpack que en poco tiempo lo terminare.
Esta sera una version publica ya tambien saque una version privada para mis amigos Swagga Kings.
Si quieren chequen este video de uno de sus streams con mi MVC screenpack (version privada).
Nos vemos y cuidencen !








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