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How to Make Basic Mugen Stages for Beginners Updated


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Fighter Factory Studios


Gimp software


getpaint software


Notepad++ to edit and code your mugen stages



startx = 0           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be
starty = 0           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be
boundleft = -95   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add or cut off between distance border from the left of the stage
boundright = 95  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add or cut off between distance border from the right of the stage
boundhigh = -25 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add or cut off between distance border from the top of the stage
boundlow = 0     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add or cut off between distance border from the bottom of the stage
verticalfollow = .2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add more gravity movement to your stage .2 is slow movement but if you add .5 its move faster when your character jumps
floortension = 0    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add balance gravity movement to your stage when your character jumps in the stage
tension = 50         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add full force gravity movement to your stage when your character jumps  in the stage
overdrawhigh = 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add balance distance border from the top of the stage
overdrawlow = 0  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add balance distance border from the bottom of the stage
cuthigh = 35        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you cut off balance distance border from the top of the stage
cutlow = 25         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you cut off balance distance border from the bottom of the stage
zoomin = 1          <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add zoom setup for your the stage
zoomout = .8       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add zoom factor scale for your the stage number are from .1 to .9
startzoom = 1      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you add zoom syart control scale for your the stage

;--- Player 1 ---
p1startx = -170     <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a setting distance for player 1
p1starty = 0          <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be
p1facing = 1           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be

;--- Player 2 ---
p2startx = 170     <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a setting distance for player 2
p2starty = 0
p2facing = -1

;--- Player 3 ---
p3startx = -320   <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a setting distance for player 3
p3starty = 0            
p3facing = 1          

;--- Player 4 ---
p4startx = 320    <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a setting distance for player 4
p4starty = 0
p4facing = -1

;--- Common ---
leftbound  = -2000 <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a left bound setting distance for make your stages longer for Shooting projectile and long distance backgrounds to the left
rightbound =  2000 <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a right bound setting distance for make your stages longer for Shooting projectile and long distance backgrounds to the right

screenleft = 15    <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a screen left bound setting distance for make your stages 
screenright = 15   <<<<<<<<<<<< this is a screen right bound setting distance for make your stages 

zoffset = 680 <<<<<< this control the Mugen characters moving from top to bottom setting the Higher to number the lower the character goes down and low number moves up
autoturn = 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< don't touch these leave them be
resetBG = 0 <<<<<<<< this is rest setting for the mugen stage, The number 0s mean dont reset and add a number 1 mean always reset the stage animation
localcoord = 1024, 768 <<<<<<<< this is rest setting for the mugen stage for HIress and HD sprite setting resolution 
xscale = 1  <<<<<<<< this is rest setting for the mugen stage left / right balance adjustment for HIress and HD sprite images
yscale = 1 <<<<<<<< this is rest setting for the mugen stage top / bottom balance adjustment for HIress and HD sprite images

intensity = 64 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give transparent shadow for your mugen character in the mugen stage
color = 10,10,10 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give dark colors for the shadow for your mugen character in the mugen stage
yscale = .1    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give scale setting for the shadow for your mugen character in the mugen stage
fade.range = -400,-100  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give range setting for the shadow for your mugen character in the mugen stage

intensity = 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give Reflection for your mugen character in the mugen stage, very good for glass floor or crystal floors

[Music] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this is for you to add music for your stage
bgmusic = sound/Allyway.mp3
bgmvolume = 100 

spr = Allyway.sff <<<<<<<<< this read where your Sprite data is located at the stage folder for your mugen stage
debugbg = 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this let you read the debug code in your background 

[BG 0] ;hall
type  = normal  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this mean a Normal Static Sprite image 
spriteno = 0,0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this mean a Number location for the Group and index number
start = 0,300  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this a position to move your sprite image background 
delta = .1,1    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give delta movement for your sprite image background 
mask=1         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this make your main transparent color to not show on your mugen stage

;------animated background------------
[BG 0] ;car
type  = anim <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this mean a animation Sprite image 
actionno = 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this mean a location animated code for Begin Action Number location
start = 0,300  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this a position to move your sprite image background 
delta = .1,1    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this give delta movement for your sprite image background 
mask=1         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this make your main transparent color to not show on your mugen stage

[Begin Action 1] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this  animated code located for the actionno = 1 
1,0, 0,0 ,1 
1,1, 0,0 ,1


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