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Pitfall of using Remappal to simulate the "Gill Effect" in 1.0

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You've probably heard of the term "Gill Effect" or something similar before if youve ever played any of the SFIII games; a character with an assymetrical color scheme on their body. In Mugen, attempting to replicate this would require a duplicate of every sprite with the reversed palette, but even then custom states cause a problem. With the ReMapPal controller introduced in Mugen 1.0, this can now be done easily with a simple controller.

The idea is simple; using the new SFFv2 format, instead of duplicating each sprite, duplicate each palette and then remap the palettes with the new controller depending on the direction the character is facing. While this works in practice, it would seem than executing a ReMapPal controller conflicts with an earlier state controller; PalFx.

To get an idea of what I'm talking about, here we have the same attack which puts p2 into a custom state that applies a PalFX controller to simulate being frozen. One is the default Kung Fu Man, while the other is my version of Eirin Yagokoro, who continuously applies a ReMapPal controller in her -2 state in order to simulate the Gill effect;


Purely discovered by accident, I was easily able to find a workaround to this by, rather than continuously applying ReMapPal, instead only apply the controller when it needs to be. This can be done with a variable to act as a flag and compare it to the current direction the character is facing. If they do not match, only then should ReMapPal be applied, with the flag set to that facing value to avoid the controller being executed again until needed. This isn't a perfect workaround, however, as custom states that both apply a PalFX controller and repeatedly changing the opponent's facing direction may still cause the PalFX to end prematurely.

This is mostly a heads up to anyone attempting to do something similar to this so that they do not make the same error.

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Alexei did something strangely interesting with my Demitri.


he had every 2 palettes be used on demitri.


so pal 1,1, and 1,2 were constantly interchanging and flashing to simulate his flashing aura.


and it would only display every 2nd pal.


1,1  1,2

1,3, 1,4

1,5, 1,6


Pretty interesting I think.

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