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Best Mugen Creator on MFFA, who is?


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Vote down below e.g. Chars = Ryon Stages = Exshadow Screenpacks = SxVecter Lifebars = V-Nix Vote count Chars Ryon = 4 SxVecor = 1 Stages ExShadow = 1

Ryon = 2 Screenpacks SxVector = 1 Phantom Blood = 4

Ryon = 2

Lifebars V-Nix = 1

Phantom Blood = 1

Ryon = 2



Ryon = 10

Phantom Blood = 5

SxVector = 2

ExShadow = 1

V-Nix = 1

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Screenpack and lifebar, I will choose Phantom Blood's

Character, I would choose SxVector for his Naruto characters

Others, I would choose Ryon for making Character creations tutorial Vidoes and his characters, I only tried one or two of his creations, Ryu (My all time favorite Street Fighter character) and Shelly (From his Mugen Tutorial videos)

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NO dont encourage him this is a bad thread idea that will only lead to arguing. Secondly vector didnt do naruto Alexei did -_-. the ones vector did were bad and he took them down mostly.

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The best creator is always the one who looks to get better everyday (whether they do or not is another story).


I always appreciate someone that tries whether they succeed or not.  You never know.


My favorite?


I don't really have one and probably never will.  (But if KGenjuro ever started posting on here I'd have to concede this I guess :=D:, Pioupiou used to post at World of MUGEN and would be a close second).

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