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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. Voted for the one who wishes he was a bird.
  2. http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=28882
  3. GAME OVER. RETURN OF GAYNON. HOH HOH HOH HOH HOH. - Me, after many crazy nights of Project M
  4. Well, considering that Toad is supposedly the best character in 64...
  5. Wasn't Cyberspider's stuff in the MUGEN Archive?
  6. OP, but still fun to play as. At least we finally have a EB Gotenks.
  7. Tested K by Kaku and he works fine in all versions for me.
  8. The links to Mary by MIT, Kim by Mouser, and Krizalid by Ahuron are broken. Also, NeoGouki's Kyo only works on DOS MUGEN, just like his K'.
  9. It comes out in 11 days and I pre-purchased it on the eShop! Who's exited?
  10. 0/10 no pizza explosions and anime fans crying on prom night
  11. A bit of a stretch but: SFV = CoD Infinite Warfare KoFXIV = Battlefield One
  12. I think the forum just screwed this picture, but if you wanna see it at its normal size, open in a new tab.
  13. The King? Looks to be 96/97 based with sprite edits.
  14. Because as time goes on, a year becomes a smaller fraction of your life.
  15. I don't know if my eyes are deceiving me, but it feels like everytime I go into the collection, the images are different.
  16. I think there was another Athena Heidern made by Mast Chen. Also of note that DMG has a NSFW image in her sprite file.
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