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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Now that the forum FINALLY returned, I can finally post a link that is worth 2 updates: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e1mvJikv6gpokwirJ7kk8QhbzijFc31I

    This both fixes a bug in the Zoomable Minimap + Border Wrapping variation AND replaces the Questionnaire documents with an ACTUAL online questionnare.

    The link to the questionnaire is in the readme of the NEW download file, and please fill out the NEW online questionnare instead of the old documents.
    And since the forum took so long to return back to normal, I'm increasing the deadline to the 15th January 2018, but only on this forum. Thanks in advance!

  2. Okay, sorry if creating this thread is not a good idea, but this is important! I am working on a final thesis for my Bachelor of Science, and I now came to the public test phase.

    That also means I need YOUR help. Included is a ZIP file with a Unity application and its assets as well as a Readme file and 5 Questionaires as Word Documents. Please follow the instructions in the readme file precisely and send me the results the way the readme file explains it.
    (Old) Download link: *removed*

    New download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e1mvJikv6gpokwirJ7kk8QhbzijFc31I

    P.S.: I need the results until either the end of December or the first half of January due to deadlines

  3. u4EsOao.pngUnderstood. Seems like I did the correct choices then.

    LG1wLF4.pngIndeed. My nitroglycerin should turn up the heat!

    P4yIXrv.pngAnd just imagine my bladed yoyo being covered in those explosive flames. It's like a spiked boomerang grenade!

    0i89CPI.pngSince I'm a robot master specialised in warfare, I have access to various military weapons and battle plans!

    9qylvbJ.pngI shall nail down the enemies so they cannot escape the brute force of a giant hammer swing!

    yoxGw5m.pngCool, who will do that?

    9qylvbJ.png*facepalm* ...you...

  4. pi5Wlrr.pngWe helped with the Tonberries back then, remember?

    LG1wLF4.pngPlus, since robots have good listening mechanics, I was able to hear the names from our new companions from conversations while we were going to Candor.

    pi5Wlrr.png...yeah, we weren't very talkative back then since we were busy analyzing everything for our databank updates.

    u4EsOao.pngSince we need to defend interdimensional peace, gather informations about the dimensions and anyone people we encounter is one of our most important goals in our preperations.

    LG1wLF4.pngPlus, it's always nice to make new friends.

  5. 22 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    In the meanwhile, Seraph began to explain their situation to Yokuman.



    Seraph: We're heading to another town called Verve in order to see the Oracle. According to the queen, it summoned most of the people here to help in an endeavor which remains unknown. I'm sending you our coordinates if you're going to send reinforcements. *begins to send coordinates data*


    Seraph: The others went to the slums in order to investigate why the guards attacked two of our group members. For more detailed informations, you'll have to ask Agni directly. I was actually trying to contact him, but got your signal before I could get his.

    bX7E6Ba.pngUnderstood. And thank you for the coordinates. They are now saved in our teleport data.

    u4EsOao.png*to his team mates* Alright, who here wants to head Verde and help out Seraph and his team? And who here wants to deal with the problems in the slums.

    pi5Wlrr.png*not concentrating on what YokuMan is saying* Oh, hi, Kirimuri!

    bX7E6Ba.pngOkay, you go to the slums, TrinitroMan.

    pi5Wlrr.pngWait, what?

    I7nXesJ.pngHAH, you're screwed!

    u4EsOao.pngYoyoMan, you too go to the slums.

    P4yIXrv.pngOH, COME ON!

    0i89CPI.pngSince the slums are a rough place, I'll join TrinitroMan and YoyoMan, sir! They absolutely need the military, sir!

    Cod5YpF.pngSlums? Sounds interesting. We wanna go!

    9qylvbJ.pngNo, we don't, idiot!

    GtX3V66.pngShut up! *hits NailMan with his head hammer*


    6xsYA26.pngSlums? Sounds like the perfect place for me to clean up there.

    u4EsOao.pngWhirlpoolMan, you defend the Hangout.


    u4EsOao.pngAlright, since TrinitroMan, YoyoMan, TankMan, NailMan and HammerMan go to the slums, me, JetMan, CometWoman, GlueMan and RainbowMan go help out Seraph. Everything understood?


    Next post will be them teleporting to the places. And hey, another ally might join as well. :3

  6. 20 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Audience Team



    As he tried to contact Agni, another signal was caught. Gladly, it was from an ally Agni told him about.



    Seraph: ... Yokuman of the Unlimited Force. Huh, so I finally managed to know you. This is Seraph Artwaltz speaking. My brother Agni told me about you and your squad.

    bX7E6Ba.pngAh, greetings, Mr. Artwaltz. And nice to hear Agni told you about us already. That means we can immidiately cut to the important talk.

    u4EsOao.pngSince you are leading the team that talks with the king and queen, any status updates you could possibly give to us? Maybe we could even give help.

    Trivia: YokuMan is super polite by nature, but also always focused on the mission at hand. Thus, things like smalltalk are very hard for him.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

    By the time, the unlimited force had responded, Flare had already left leaving a Mech Hisui nearby who was sweeping the lobby.



    "The registration process requires you all to be present in order for you to be properly registered."

    bX7E6Ba.pngAlright then. GUYS!

    And then, all the other members of the Unlimited Force came.

    u4EsOao.pngWell, what are we waiting for? It's time to registrate, guys!

  8. On 22.8.2017 at 10:39 PM, Darkflare said:


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    "....right. The registration desk is over there although I have my doubts as to how a bunch of robots would benefit from this place."

    u4EsOao.pngBecause to be fair, I think my friends need more training outside of our cozy home that we call Megatropolis.

    pi5Wlrr.pngOur boss is right. We need to gather as much battle information as possible so we can be prepared for any foe who wants to harm the peace between dimensions.

    bX7E6Ba.pngI'll go registrated all of you guys. You guys can do...whatever you want in the meantime, but don't cause any ruckus and don't go too far away from the Hangout.

    LG1wLF4.pngUnderstood, boss!

  9. As the Unlimited Force didn't notice the investigation team leaving and them not being very good diplomats, they stayed with DarkFlare and the Mech Hisuis in Candor.

    pi5Wlrr.pngHeya, you must be Darkflare then. I'm Trinitro Man, and me and Lightflare actually know each other.

    P4yIXrv.pngYou mean Lightflare kicked your ass.

    LG1wLF4.pngShush, you. Well, let's say he was a formidable challenger and we decided to ourselves that we should meet again as friends. *refering to the first RPP thread*


    Time to introduce two additional characters soon

  10. @Agni Blackheart:

    bX7E6Ba.pngNice to meet you all. I'm YokuMan, master of illusions, portals and boundaries.

    LG1wLF4.pngI'm TrinitroMan, master of all things explosions!

    ufuug8S.pngI'm Yoyoman, and am actually dealing with aerodynamics...yeah, I use Yoyos for that, but I don't care!

    0i89CPI.pngI'm TankMan, robot master designed for warfare. At your service, sir!

    rYKtD0r.pngI'm RainbowMan, master of weather and light manipulation.

    T1ZCAgD.pngI'm GlueMan, master in repairs.

    vQF6DWS.pngI'm JetMan, a real ace when it comes to flying!

    muXgg2o.pngI'm CometWoman, designed for cosmic research and cosmic movement.

    HrlMGDR.pngI'm NailMan, one of the two robots designed for construction site work. I'm the brains, while the other half here, HammerMan, is the brawns. Say hi, HammerMan.

    yoxGw5m.pngHi, HammerMan.

    9qylvbJ.png...not like that!

    6xsYA26.pngI'm WhirlpoolMan, and I-

    P4yIXrv.png*interrupts WhirlpoolMan* Alright, so what's next on the agenda?

  11. 10 minutes ago, A person said:

    Nemesis stared blankly at the new...recruits.



    Nemesis: Row-boughts...?


    It was clearly going to be a while before she got used to something like this any time soon.

    bX7E6Ba.pngYes, robots. Or rather, robot masters, to be more precise, since we all are specialized at specific things.

    10 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



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    Well if it isn't my old friends...how's it going guys. Trinitroman still getting you guys into trouble?

    pi5Wlrr.pngEy, LightFlare! Long time no see!

    ufuug8S.pngYeah, TrinitroMan can be rather trigger happy at times, but at least he does his job well.

    4VW7xNM.pngI can only agree with that. At times, he can be as methodical as me, a robot specifically made for warfare, and he's designed for taking down old buildings instead.

    pi5Wlrr.pngWell, I mean, both jobs involve explosions, so...

    u4EsOao.pngDon't forget that warfare has more layers than just explosions, though.

    pi5Wlrr.pngAnyway, we are here because we detected some kind of unknown dark energy here. And who knows, maybe those stabby lizards are somehow connected to that?

    u4EsOao.pngBasically, we hope you people possibly have more informations.

  12. Suddenly a group of futuristic robots teleport into the scene, tasked with two missions, one of them is finding out about the detected dark energy source. Coincidently, they decided to land on the scene where the other heroes are being attacked by Tonberrys. One of them, TrinitroMan teleports right in front of one.

    pi5Wlrr.png*quickly dodges a Tonberry stab* Whoa! *quickly shoots the Tonberry from behind* Pfew, that was a close one...

    Soon the rest teleports in as well.

    u4EsOao.pngAt least that means we're at the right location.

    I7nXesJ.pngAnd look, some other guys are trying to fend those lizard creeps as well. We should help them out!

    LG1wLF4.pngAlright, in that case, it's time to rock'n'roll!

  13. pi5Wlrr.pngOh my, looks like our assault is working out!

    wTfPBpm.pngWe are not allowed to let our guard down just yet, though. Iblis can still be a threat even this weakened. BTW, weren't we supossed to be more people?

    pi5Wlrr.pngWell, we have left Renko and Mari...oh no! We have left Renko and Maribel somewhere. Who knows what could happen to them, and nobody is here to defend them!

    u4EsOao.png*sigh* Nice going, gentlemen. And now what? We are not allowed for them to get hurt. Especially not Renko, because if she gets hurt, Maribel gets angry, and we all know what happened last time she became angry.

    wTfPBpm.pngActually, what did happen back then?

    bX7E6Ba.png...something that could have easily ended in a massacre.

  14. The Unlimited Force, Silver, and the two angels Pit and Dark Pit were also blown back by the shockwave.

    pi5Wlrr.pngGuh...such power...

    wTfPBpm.pngI never said it's gonna be easy. Just be glad that this is not his more advanced form!

    T7kPjJs.pngWait, you're telling me that this thing could be even STRONGER?!

    4v8qUOy.pngWhat's the matter, scared of lizards?

    T7kPjJs.pngNo, I am not! I...I just don't want to get roasted, that's all...

    pi5Wlrr.pngLess talking, more attacking.

    The group then proceeds to continue their assault. TrinitroMan with his nitro-glycerin, the two angels with their own set of weapons, Reisen with her gun finger powers, Silver with his telekinesis, and all the other robot masters also used their own signature attacks to further pressure Iblis.

  15. wTfPBpm.pngLet me chip in: Psycho Knife! *shoots a sharp wave of ESP energy at Iblis*

    pi5Wlrr.pngYou know what they say, Kill Fire with Fire.

    LG1wLF4.pngAnd you know what else they say: The more the merrier! NITRO BLAST! *shoots sprays of nitroglycerin at Iblis*

    pi5Wlrr.pngWelp, that seems to work out real well.

    wTfPBpm.pngYeah, but don't forget. Iblis has quite the stamina. And that's not even its final form.

    f1bEATM.gifThen I guess we just need to shoot at this thing until it goes down. Hiya! *shoots at red energy gun bullets out of her fingers at Iblis*

  16. wTfPBpm.pngWait, that roar. That's gotta be Iblis!

    pi5Wlrr.png*looks into the distance and sees a giant fire monster* ...yup, I think it is.

    bX7E6Ba.png*looks further away* Guys, I think we have a problem: Magio is being attacked, but not by Iblis or any of its creatures.

    f1bEATM.gifSay what? I thought we only had to deal with that Iblis thing.

    p49qVEg.pngMe too. However, further analysis proved that Magio is actually fighting the kind of warrior who seeks to fight strong opponents and nothing else. In a sense, he's like Akuma, but with swords.

    pi5Wlrr.pngBut then we need to go do something quickly! Come on!

    Determined, the group then rushes to Magio for help...and also to just understand what's going on with that new challenger.

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