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Everything posted by Trinitronity

  1. Nah, Duke is not canon due to being a Falcoon character.
  2. I'm still sad that the Jiggles is not playable. I want to be able to fight as "a fluffy pink balloon with a green head band that can wreck shit" outside Smash as well.
  3. Dude, any POKéMON from Super Smash Bros Melee that is not Pichu is good in my book. That also include Scizor. Also, the last slot will be taken by Mega Primal Dark Pichu Libre, because we are not allowed to have nice things.
  4. Saitsu no Police intensifies!
  5. Oh yeah, I forgot that the author is also called Ikaruga. Man, this can lead to some confusion...
  6. Yo, so I guess we gonna get DLC soon: Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokkenGame/comments/4o5mnh/some_info_about_file_differences_in_the_new_13/
  7. Hello, Trinitronity/Captain Papyrus here. I want to say that I will not quit the project. However, since my current notebook is close to dying, I'm currently looking for a new and more powerful notebook that still uses Windows 7 (because fuck Windows 8 and especially fuck Windows 10), so I wont be able to do progress until I actually get the new notebook. So yeah, this project is NOT cancelled. It is merely on-hold.
  8. Wait, what? Since when is Roastbyfe an Ikaruga character? Is there a joke I'm missing?
  9. Link doesn't work. So was this statement sarcastic or not? :S
  10. *wakes up from standby mode* Wait, did I miss something? Worry not, I have recorded everything. And updated the databases accordingly. Ah, good. I like to listen to backstories at my own pace, ya'know.
  11. Hey, Roy is not a stupid clone character...at least not anymore. And you are like the 1000th person to incorrectly label Wolf as a Fox clone. Wolf is not a Fox clone just because he happens to have a blaster, a reflector and a landmaster. This has absolutely nothing to do with lazyness. What if the voice actors weren't avaible anymore, no matter how much money Sakurai's team was willing to pay?
  12. Normally, you would be right. However, those problems are already being created by Iblis ending up in Ground Zeroes, since Crisis City technically is the future. If anything, doing all of this will actually allow us to fix the future by removing the error, which is Iblis, from your present, which is this world's past. It may found confusing at first, but trust, it all makes sense in the end.
  13. Man, it was a long time since I visited this thread, so I have new questions regarding the quality of the POKéMON characters. *Best Sceptile? *Best Gallade? *Best Lopunny? *Best Garchomp? *How is Z.A.I.'s Chandelure?
  14. Welp, now it's already the start of Summer 2016. I...I really hope this is not cancelled...
  15. I guess I should stop dreaming then, because I don't want to grow myself a xenomorph head.
  16. Well, whatever would be best to do is up to Magio and his friends to decide. With friends, I mean the people he is with on a regular basis. I can at least tell you what my idea is. Silver will give me one of his two Chaos Emeralds, and with the power I have from my Gallifrean technology, me and Silver perform Chaos Control both at the same time in order to create a time rift that brings us back to Ground Zeroes 2. Problem is: This was only done with two hedgehogs before and not with one hedgehog and a robot, but according to my statistics, there should be a 95% chance that my idea should be sucessful.
  17. And yet, Street Fighter V still gets all the spotlight. It...kinda sad, actually...
  18. Alright then, let's rock and-wait a second, how are we even supossed to get to Ground Zeroes 2? Through portals, duh. But wait, didn't Victoria said something about portal usage being bad in this place? That must be a mistake. Me as well as Sonic and his friends have already warped from and to Crisis City multiple times already, and we were all fine and dandy. Wait, from what I have heard, it was possible because two hedgehogs performed Chaos Control at the same time, creating a time rift. But we only have one hedgehog now. Actually, I might be the perfect replacement. After all, I was partially built with Gallifreyan technology. But we need to convinve everyone around here before we can proceed with the time rift.
  19. "you bitch california" But California did nothing wrong. Canada is the one to blame.
  20. And I don't think that the exclusion of Kappa is because of legal rights regarding Twitch "owning that emote", because forumotion has a Kappa emote as well, and forumotion is NOT part of Twitch.
  21. seems like nowadays are more like nowadays than they were thenadays and thenadays were less like nowadays than they were thenadays, nowadays
  22. Today's quote of the day was brought to you by Sonic Team - In your Sonic Team, making your memes better
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