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Everything posted by tokamina

  1. hello, from were is? or is original, and other ting, someone know ow make her vegeto and gogeta work in mugen 1.0
  2. hello, someone help me y want the ai for archer by Kuri, the ai is by kkunnkoumyou
  3. how y download from that page, or if can put in other site
  4. hello, right, but kiriboshi make a ai for koishi, can put here the patch for she?
  5. hello someone can put the ai for koishi by kiriboshi?
  6. here is, meirin https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=D246CD85B627E594&id=D246CD85B627E594%21102&sc=documents can you put her ai in a link please, is no in the page of son, the autor of the eirin ai
  7. hello, tanks for say were y can find the ai for meirin by kon?
  8. hello, y have thry download komachi by mikage, but y cant find how do it in mikage site, can someone pleas put in mediafire?
  9. hello, y need help, y want hon meirin and yukari by daiya, can please put here the link? y cant find it in collection
  10. hello, y need ai for ragna by debilm, were y can find it?
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