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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. 15K stands still for a brief moment, then contacts Shadow Wolf. 15K: Threat has been neutraliz- ...Detecting abnormal activities in 15K's OS chip. This one will enter maintenance mode when this one returns to the headquarters. Then, he noticed a slight difference in Murieann's tone. He glared at her in order to analyze her vitals. 15K: Detecting unusual wavelengths in Murieann's voice. Fatigue is presumably the cause. 15K recommends Murieann to repair the equipments then abstain from working and rest for approximately 24 hours in order to reach peak physical, mental and spiritual condition.
  2. Seeing that his plan backfired and it severely damaged Murieann's shield, 15K pulls back and maintains a short distance between him and the beast. 15K: 15K would like to sincerely apologize for the miscalculation. He looked around the area, at Murieann then at the beast. He prepared himself in a boxing stance, seeking to smash and incapacitate the creature using his strength instead. But before that, he contacts Ocelot and Shadow Wolf... 15K: Requesting permission to activate "Termination Mode" in case of a prolonged combat with potential fatalities from the friendly side.
  3. The explosion knocks 15K off balance, but he manages to roll forward and regain his stance. 15K: Analyzing... Complete. Knife-based attacks does little damage. Suggestion: Cripple the creature and use blunt weapon-based attacks in order neutralize. Now at the right side of the creature, the android charges straight at it again and lunges at its leg, seeking to wrestle it and knock the monster off balance.
  4. 15K quickly crouches down before one of the arms grazes his back as he is charging towards the beast. While the body of the creature is moving back, the android throws both of his knives at it then attempts to kick its leg in order to trip it and cause it to fall down.
  5. 15K: COMMAND; Sanction. 15K charges towards the beast's right side, with both of his knives in his hand prepared for action.
  6. Welcome to MFFA man. I suggest using MUGEN 1.0 which is what most people use nowadays: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2t3gnh5ikw75idm/Mugen10.zip There's also MUGEN 1.1 which is a newer one, albeit a beta so it still has a bunch of bugs: http://www.mediafire.com/file/p3nd02l6v2l8m1w/Mugen11Beta.zip
  7. 15K: Affirmative. Will proceed according to plan. 15K prepares his knives, standing behind Murieann to her left.
  8. 15K: Affirmative. Proposal: Lead the hostile beast to a less-to-non populated area to minimize collateral damage. However, 15K demands Murieann to explain the measures that will be taken to apprehend this creature. 15K: Will engage as soon as the threat ceases to attack in its electricity form and shows signs of using a different elemental energy. 15K prepares himself in a battle stance, while analyzing the creature's movements.
  9. Seeing the projectile heading straight towards him in an alarmingly fast way, 15K quickly dives down at his left in attempt to dodge the lighting bolt.
  10. 15K: ... The android stared at the monster for a brief moment. With the trash can still in his hands, he decides to crush it flat to turn it into a frisbee-like object. Next, he folded the edges to turn them sharp, like a circular sawblade. He then flings it with full force at the creature.
  11. 15K: Stimulus failed. Attempting an alternative distraction... 15K smashes a nearby wall with one punch, forcing the wall to become unstable and collapse. Next, he picks up a nearby trash can and proceeds to smash the can, creating a loud noise. Finally, he pulls out one of his knives and scratches the edges, making an extremely sharp, screeching sound.
  12. 15K: Analyzing... Complete. Based on 15K's witnesses, the creature seems to be able to change its elemental energy, such as ice, fire and electricity. Although 15K's armor will be able to sustain the damages for an extended period, its NFCS may suffer serious damages which will disable 15K's fighting capability. Suggestion: Attempt to turn the creature's attention to this one to save the ineffective guards and lead it to a less-to-non populated area to minimize the potential collateral damage, while maintaining a distance between 15K and the creature. 15K picks up a piece of large pebble lying nearby and throws it with full force at the beast. 15K: 15K acts as a stimulus to this ugly beast. This one challenges it to what living homo sapiens call: Hide and Seek. The YorHa android immediately steps back for a few meters, preparing to run while observing the monster's reaction.
  13. From the top of a roof, 15K could see the guards struggle against the creature. He thought that if he assisted the guards, he might be able to interact with their superior should he succeed and gain some clues in finding 13P and 5T. 15K: "Analyzing... Failed. The creature is not found in YorHa's database. Proposal: Analyze its movements and attack patterns while helping the guards repel and terminate the unidentified beast." 15K jumps from the roof and lands in the streets, creating a small fissure on the ground due to his weight and the force. He pulls out his twin knives and prepares himself in a battle stance. 15K: "Loading data for termination of living organisms... Complete. Engaging in a deadly combat."
  14. Kirimuri is woken up again. Kirimuri: "...Uh?..." His eyes were still closed but he was still conscious enough to give a thumbs-up sign to invite Kiryu in. He then turned back to the wall to reposition his head on a pillow while squeezing a second, longer pillow between his legs, with the bedsheet covering him from his toes to his mouth.
  15. Kirimuri wakes up immediately, albeit still half-asleep. Kirimuri: "...Ughh..." However, he was still conscious enough to stand up, approach the door and unlock it, before walking back to his bed and crashing down on it.
  16. Kirimuri: "Hmm? Yeah, sure." Kirimuri: "I suppose so. I've been through awfully a lot in the recent years so I'm just trying to be cautious..." Kirimuri: "I'm going to take a room and have a nap. Today has been a somewhat tiring day for me. Tell everybody to knock on the door if they need something or if one of them is my roommate. I can wake up easily." Kirimuri leaves the meeting room and heads to one of the rooms to sleep. Kirimuri: "Dips on the room at the end of the hallway." He enters one of the accommodation room at the end of the hallway, locks the door and proceeds to lie down on a bed and sleep.
  17. 15K: "Acquiring coordinates... Done. Reminder: Investigate the areas around the Slums to look for unit 5T and 13P. Based on unit 15K's calculations, there is a probability of 97,54% that the 2 units mentioned has betrayed the YorHa. Suggestion: Apprehend and terminate, if necessary, the 2 units. The android begins to leap on walls and climb on the roofs of the Slums. He looks around in order to memorize the city's layout.
  18. Meanwhile, a small portal suddenly opened somewhere in a backstreet at the Slums... ???: ...Booting system... Loading all existing datas found... Connecting to the YorHa network... Complete. Standing by. ???: Acquiring objective specifically designed for Unit 15, Type: Killer... Complete. Mission objective: Investigate, apprehend and terminate, if necessary, all individuals deemed as a potential threat for YorHa. Acquiring targets... Done. Target: Unit 5T and Unit 13P. Proceeding to investigate this area.
  19. au shiet @RobotMonkeyHæd What's wrong...? Shaun!? SHAAAAAUUUUUN!!!!!
  20. "This reminds me of a similar case in my world... If mind controlling is involved then I'd rather stay out of this. I refuse to go back there. Can't we just report to the king of this city instead? Or is he too blind to even notice what's happening here?" "And most importantly, why haven't those who went to see the King come back yet?"
  21. Kirimuri thought for a moment about the uprising in the Slums. Coming from a world that's ravaged by war and corruption, he did not like the fact that he was unexpectedly and forcefully dragged here against his will just to quell more violent conflicts. The thought of not participating with the group crossed his mind. "..."
  22. "Well, I gues this empty belly has to wait." Kirimuri stands up and starts following the Mech-Hisui into the meeting room.
  23. "So... What do we do now?" Kirimuri stretches his back once more and sits on a chair in the lounge. Suddenly, he can hear a very loud stomach growl nearby. *Stares at everybody...* He hears the sound again but this time, it's coming from his own stomach. "...Oh wait. That was me. "That just reminded me, I haven't eaten anything since I was back at the forest... My sandwich box is probably empty now."
  24. Kirimuri approaches Byakuya from behind. "I don't give two damns or a fuck if your intention to help us is genuine... But if you tried to harm us, you'll most likely get skewered by a purple princes midget, or by a brunette midget wearing baggy clothes..." "...Or by a pink idol midget, I don't know." "Mark my words. Step one foot out of the friendly zone and you better be prepared to face the consequences." "Anyways, I'm looking forward for your cooperation from this point." Kirimuri pats Byakuya's back strongly to the point he almost pushed him off before returning to the Warriors' Hangout.
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